Imago Dei - The Image of God

When the sacredness of human being as the image of God is trampled or denied, the tragedies like that of George Floyd happen.

I quote Dr. Ravi Zacharias from the video compilation in his memorial service:

"You are valuable to God.
You are unique and a composite fashioned in the image of God for a particular purpose."

"What it means to be a human is to be created in the image of God.
What it means to find your destiny is to find your creator who has created  you and why he has made you for a purpose.
So in general terms, the Imago Dei; In particular terms, it is not who you are alone that defines you, but whose you are."

Also, for the people who are taking advantage of this situation to riot, to set fire and to steal other people's life's work, I quote another Dr. Ravi Zacharias' sermon:

"When donkeys are attacked, they also form a circle, but they turn their backs to each other facing the attacker and they kick each other to death. So much of the fighting we do today is really like donkeys. We start kicking away at each other, knocking each other down for whatever reason while the ones who are really attacking us watch us self-destruct."

"You see, true freedom is not the freedom to do whatever you want, but it's the strength to do what you should."

I pray that God will have mercy on America.


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